Monday, May 17, 2010

Top 10 Most Influential People of 2010

Pope Benedict the XVI
(Joseph Ratzinger) Current Pope, Inspires Christians to do the right things with their lives, born on 16 April 1927 in Marktl am Inn, Germany, Founder of the Ratzinger Foundation, on April 19 2005 Cardinal Ratzinger was elected the successor of Pope John Paul II by becoming Pope Benedict the XVI

Bill Gates
Bill Gates Born in Seatle, Washington 28 October 1955. Has 2 sisters. Dropped out of Harvard freshmen year to create microsoft in 1975. Donates $1 billion to charity every year and founded the Bill and Clarissa foundation. Recieved an honorary knighthood by the queen of england in 2005 for improving health condition and reducing poverty in developing countries.

Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic Born limbless without any medical condition and inspires disabled people to not lose hope, Born 4 December 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, Started the Life without Limbs Foundation,

Warren Buffet
Warren Buffet Born on August 30, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska. Interested in money and busniess at a very early age. When kids his age were playing around, Warren was making money. At 11 he was purchasing stocks. İn 1947 he made what $5,000, which is equivalent of $42,610 today, from delievering news papers. He went onto the University of Pennsylvania but transfered to University of Nebraska. Donates Money to charity.

J.K. Rowling
JK Rowling Writer of Harry Potter and inspires people to read, born 31 July 1965, Supports such charities as Comic Relief, One Parent Families, muultiple Sclerosis Societry of Great Britain, and the Children’s High Level Group, was a runner-up for
the Times Person of the Year 2007, Writen the Harry Potter Series showing how good prospers over evil with courage and determination,

Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods Golfer, recently admited cheating on multiple women. Donates money towards Haiti. Eldrick Tont Woods or Tiger Woods is a professional golfer with more career major wins than any other competitive golfer. Woods has recently been disgraced when more than a dozen women admitted to having relationships with him. Tiger Woods took a hiatus from golf lasting 20 weeks and returned to golf on April 8, 2010. Tiger Woods inspires people to be the best at whatever they do

Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg Creater of Facebook, inspires people to stay connected with old friends, Went to Harvard, Born May 14, 1984 in White Plains, New York, USA, Founded Facebook in 2004

Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking Born 8 January 9142 in Oxford, England and showed brilliance from an early age. He went to a high school for girls at age 8. At 20 Hawking went to Cambridge to study Cosmology. That was when he was diagnosed with ALS. (Amyotrophic Lateral Clerosis). At the time he didn’t have any reason to live, then he found the women that would become his wife. (Jane Wilde). Studied mostly about Black Holes. Got pneumonia and lost his voice forever but they installed a voice synthesizer into his wheelchair but they made the mistake of giving him an American accent. Stephen Hawking inspires people not to lose hope.

David Beckham
David Beckham Most famous soccer player, currenty working on bringing soccer to America. Donated $15 million for malaria nets, Victoria and David Beckham’s Children charity has donatd over a million pounds since they started in 2005. He is also the ambassador of UNICEF.

Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama The Dalai Lama is a Buddhist leader whose name means “chief” or “high priest”. All Buddhists believe the Dalai Lama to be a reincarnated form of their spiritual leaders who choose to enlighten others instead of passing on. The current Dalai Lama’s name is Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, birth name being Lhamo Döndrub. He inspires buddhists to be the best and the most pure they can be.

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