Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Haiti 3rd World Hellhole (Pre Earthquake)

Haiti is a South-American continent consumed by corruption, destroyed by disease and plagued by poverty. 1 in 14 children die before they reach their first birthday. Haiti’s new leader Rene Preval supports the political agenda for children, which shows his support for improving child and maternal health HIV/AIDS, and protecting children. Health services and sanitation are essential to a healthy life, however in Haiti healthcare is beyond a mediocre citizen’s reach because of the barriers of distance and cost. Food is essential to survival; in Haiti there is not enough money to buy food so younger children go hungry, ¼ of all children under 5 suffer from malnutrition. 2/3 of all Haitians live below the national poverty line. Education’s the only escape from poverty, parents make sacrifices to send their children to school in the hopes that they will have a better future. HIV/AIDS is present in 3% of adult Haitians, HIV/AIDS orphans hundreds of children each year which drives them into the streets where they are exploited or turned into restaveks. A large portion of these street children join gangs where they hope to gain food, shelter, protection and prestige. No matter how many rights such as: education, safety and nourishment Haiti is denied there is always room for improvement and less room for error.

Poor Haitians have resorted to eating mud for nourishment and sustenance.

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