Thursday, March 18, 2010

Revenge Does Not Pay Off!

"The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never allow us to bring about genuine change."
~Audre Lorde
My interpretation of this quote is that anything controlled by a master may turn against the master and help overthrow the master, but nothing will arise from the master's defeat. A good leader does not steal from the country for themselves, a good leader allows their followers to have a voice, a good leader is enthusiastic about their cause and are willing to do anything for what they believe in, a good leader is confident and never falters in the pursuit of their beliefs, good leaders are tolerant and remain calm, composed and steadfast even in the face of danger and finally a good leader strives to be the best and will not settle for 2nd. Some good leaders though they are infamous are: Barrack Obama, Kim Jong II, George W. Bush, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Some of these leaders such as Kim Jong II are dictators who used their military rank to achieve total control of a region. Cruel leaders do not care about their followers and think only about personal gain. If there is a bad leader the U.N should work together to oust the despot and help the region recover. This picture shows a brainless tool who sits idle all day long, but whenever their master calls them to action they perform the desired task then return to their boring life.
